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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Along Came a Spider-Man

This is the second piece in a series of "Origins" pieces I am doing.  The set focuses on becoming a childhood fan of a superhero.  The first one focused on Superman... this one is (of course) Spider-Man.  Only the pencils are done, and again this is several scans of a larger work that I tried to piece together in Corel.

This is my little boy trying to climb his bedroom wall in his Spider-Man jammies, then along comes a... well, you know the rest.  I will update this series as I complete the individual pieces.



Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Making a Strong Case

I feel all dirty... I keep swearing I'm not going to do political cartoons but those guys are so easy to lampoon. And they deserve it.

I think they all went to school to learn the art of "how to answer a question without answering the question whilst bolstering one's own track record."  No more promises on what I will and won't put in a cartoon.



Monday, January 23, 2012

Discovering Superman

This is not part of the "My Life in Comics" series.  I am working on a large piece for my son's room.  The quality of the scan is bad because I had to scan the work four times and then piece it together in the computer.  You get the idea, though.

I suppose this is my first commissioned work of art.  It's for my little boy and it's free, but what the heck...



Sunday, January 22, 2012

Something New Every Day

I promise not to beat the SOPA/ PIPA thing to death...

This depicts a pretty funny conversation I had with someone at work.  Of course, he was joking about the contents of his hard drive, but I thought it would be better to use characters rather than likenesses for the scene.  At least, I think he was kidding.



Thursday, January 19, 2012

You'll Never Know (SOPA/ PIPA)

I make it a point not to get political in the world of illustration.  Best laid plans...

I had a lighthearted argument with a friend and coworker the other night in which I played the devil's advocate.  Lest anyone think I have abandoned the arts and have given in to the censorship of free speech, I present this cartoon as my official stance.  I know... who cares.



Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I Never Play Favorites

I love both of my kids equally, and my wife is the love of my life.  But, sometimes I can't help but play favorites.  Especially when it boosts my ego or helps me prove a point.

Very self-serving, right?  Well, the hat is awesome, trust me.



Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pass the Cheese Please

My Mom and Dad took us to Luigi's for pizza tonight.  The salad is always a hit... the cheese is piled so high that you can hardly see across the table.  I exaggerated for the purpose of this cartoon.  But, only slightly.

For all of you out-of-town Dunphys and those of you who understand my passion for Luigi's pizza, you may be surprised to know that this was the first trip for either of our kids to the restaurant.  Better late than never.  God Bless You Grandma and Pappos!



He Keeps Growing and Growing and Growing and....

Our little boy is getting tall.  He gets that from me.

And as he gets taller, he gets smarter.  He gets that from his mother.



I Can See Clearly Now

Okay, here's a joke.

You see... the first frame is blurry because the artist (me) is not wearing his glasses.  Then in the second frame the character (also me) offers glasses to the artist (still me.) Finally, in the last frame... nevermind.



Friday, January 13, 2012

Lifestyle Schizophrenia

I guess I just realized this about myself.  Oh well.  You can never have enough superhero apparel.

By the way... there is still and "Avengers T" under that shirt and tie.



Thursday, January 12, 2012

Chew With Your Mouth Shut

No explanation needed.

I think this may be my favorite one so far...



Monday, January 9, 2012

Growing Old Together

Yeah, we're growing old together, alright.  I am somehow aging much faster than her.  That wouldn't be a problem if she didn't notice.

But she has noticed.  Apparently once you reach the age of thirty-three the hair on your ears grows at the same rate as the hair on your chin.  Sick.



Saturday, January 7, 2012

Problem Solved

I don't use the word hate often.  But, I hate the sound of a quarter rattling around inside of the dryer.  It has this sickening rhythm that cannot be contained or dampened.

I know it would make more sense to take out my frustrations on the quarter. After all, it's not the dryer's fault.  But, have you ever tried to hit a quarter with a baseball bat?



Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Little Inspiration

I have been writing and illustrating a graphic novel. Sometimes I lack direction, but it will get finished eventually.

I've always heard that a person should find what they love to do and then figure out how to do it for a living. I really don't mind just doing this in my spare time. That's how much I love it.



Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Don't Stand So Close to Me

We had our first snowball fight today...

The kid's got an arm.  And, he's deadly accurate.  Well, at least at extremely close range he is.



Guess I Was Off the Mark

I finally heard back from the West Side Leader.

And that's all she wrote.  This actually took place in email format and those weren't the exact words used.  What the email said was, "Sorry, we already have a local cartoonist and are not interested in adding another." That plain and simple.  I don't even think they looked at the work.  Oh well.



P.S. I got a haircut.


I think this is how it is done...

I really really want to be a weather man.  I would be the most accurate in the history of weather men.  Every day I would predict a fifty-fifty chance of everything... might snow, might not.  Might be sunny, might not.  Might rain, might not... you get the idea.

