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Friday, December 30, 2011

Hopes and Dreams

My buddy is coming into town this weekend for New Year's Eve.  We have had this discussion before...

And that is exactly how it went.



Thursday, December 29, 2011

Don't Leave Things Laying Around

About thirty-five hundred and fifty-two times a day, I say to my kids, "don't leave things laying around."  Likewise, about one time more than that, my wife says the same thing to me.  It can, after all, be dangerous.

I took a week off from cartooning and I have to say... I missed it.  Now, I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth here, but I feel like maybe some of the readers missed it, too.  I have been checking this site during my break and the page views are steadily increasing without any new posts.  That means people are checking on their own, without a reminder from Facebook or Twitter.  I am so flattered.  I do really appreciate each and every person who takes the time to read this blog.



Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's a Nelson- Varacelli- Fisher- Karm Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone.  See you all tonight!

My original plan was to have this inked and printed for everyone, but time got away from me.  I hope no on is offended by the way they look as a cartoon!  Heh-heh.  Guess I'll find out soon enough.



Wednesday, December 21, 2011

And Now For a Short Break

I had this sketch laying around for a long time.  I think it's funny.

A little break from "My Life in Comics" was needed.  Not for me... for you all.



Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Good Things Are Coming

The kids (especially the boy) are getting cabin fever.  It is too wet to play outside.  If the temperature would just drop about ten degrees and stay there, we could play in a winter wonderland.  But, we wait.

When we have ten feet of snow on the ground in February you can all remind me of this foolish wish.

On a completely separate note, I would really like to thank all of you who read this blog regularly.  This site only contains twenty-one comics but has been visited over 1350 times.  The comments, well wishes, and laughs that I am getting from family, friends, and (in a few cases) complete strangers, are really encouraging.  So, when I write "Thanks" at the end of each posting, please know that I truly mean it.

For those of you who are viewing this for the first time... Welcome!  Have a look around and if you like what you see, tell a friend (or click share...or whatever it is you kids do these days.)

I will soon be trying with some persistence to have this seen on a larger media scale.  Wish me luck!



Introducing: JoyBot 2.0.

I am pretty deflated by everyone's attempt at modernizing, streamlining, and therefore diluting the holidays.

Everyone probably thinks I'm a Scrooge now.  Bah.



Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Life in Comics presents a comic about my life in comics.

I think she secretly wonders what I am doing on the computer at midnight.

I'm sure she would be more comfortable with nearly anything else, but comic book and cartoon browsing for hours at a time is bothersome... as it would be to anyone besides me.



Santa's Helper

I noticed this year that more kids are scared of Santa than not.  Some (one particular in our house) won't even look at him, let alone sit on his lap.  It made me wonder how kids view that jolly old elf.

What's so scary about that?  Thanks.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Sometimes at Night

I love my little boy and I love my dad.

Thanks for reading this blog.  I appreciate all of the kind words that are being thrown my way.


Sad But True

This is a snapshot of a very typical trip to the library with me and my son.

Poor kid.  It is safe to assume that I will be embarrassing him for the rest of his life.  Thanks for reading.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

I'm Getting Used to It

Hi everyone... not much to say today.

Wait a minute.  I do have something to say.  Everybody I know says they pay so dang much for television but all they do is complain about what kind of crap is on t.v.  We should all go to the library more often.  And stay out of the DVD section!  Thanks.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

You Might Be Picking On a Hero

This is quite different from what I've been posting here.  I actually had a reoccurring dream like this when I was a kid and always wanted to draw it... so here it is.

This is just a pencil drawing that I scanned in.  No marker, ink, or color.  It was kinda fun.  Thanks.


Strange Voices

I am going to start trying more "strip style" comics instead of the full page layout or one-shots.  This is my first attempt.

This is definitely harder to do.  The full page layout style allows more room to expand the story.  Thanks for looking.


Monday, December 5, 2011

I'll Be Soaked for Christmas

Oh no, not a weather joke.  Oh yes.  It had to be done.

That's right... a weather joke.  And, it's in black and white.  I feel like such a slacker.  Thanks for reading this blog.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Tree Add and Subtract

As you can see, we finally went out and bought our Christmas tree.  During the decorating process we were continually finding big bare spots that we were sure had been filled.  Then we found the culprit.

It took a little longer than expected, but she was having so much fun taking them off as we were putting them on.  Besides... she is so dang cute that discipline is almost always out of the question.  Here's to a happy start to everyone's Holiday Season.  Thanks.


Holiday Bargains

This type of conversation happens every year around this time.  The truth is, everybody loves our kids so much that we feel like they'd be crushed if they didn't get some "quality time" on each holiday.  In these negotiations, we simply seek fairness.

And, usually fairness is achieved.  By the way, I am feeling much better now.  More comics are soon to come.  Thanks again for reading.
